Sigur, securizat și confidențial

Ați avut sau ați observat abateri grave de conduită? Raportați acest lucru persoanei de contact din țara dumneavoastră. Liniile noastre verzi SpeakUp sunt disponibile non-stop.


Phone instruction: 0800-295175


Via Webservice:

Access code: 07234

Language Option 1: German

Language Option 2: English


Phone instruction: 0800223069


Via Webservice:

Access code: 07234

Language Option 1: Croatian

Language Option 2: English

Czech Republic

Phone instruction: 800 900 538


Via Webservice:

Access code: 07234

Language Option 1: Czech

Language Option 2: English


Phone instruction: 800-787639


Via Webservice:

Access code: 07234

Language Option 1: Italian

Language Option 2: English


Phone instruction: 0-800-61433


Via Webservice:

Access code: 07234

Language Option 1: Romanian

Language Option 2: Russian

Language Option 2: English


Phone instruction: 0800894540


Via Webservice:

Access code: 07234

Language Option 1: Romanian

Language Option 2: Russian

Language Option 3: English


Phone instruction: 0800004529


Via Webservice:

Access code: 07234

Language Option 1: Slovak

Language Option 2: English


Phone instruction: 0800-561422


Via Webservice:

Access code: 07234

Language Option 1: Swiss German

Language Option 2: French

Language Option 3: Italian

Language Option 4: English


Phone instruction: 0 800 502 206


Via Webservice:

Access code: 07234

Language Option 1: Ukrainian

Language Option 2: Russian

Language Option 3: English

Unless the reporter leaves contact details the call or message is anonymous. Voice messages will be transcribed automatically.

When leaving a message via the phone, the reporter has to enter the access code subject to the table above and leave the message. After one week the reporter can call again to listen to Vetropack’s response and to leave a new message if desired. 

The reporter can also leave a message via the SpeakUp Web Service page through a hyperlink or by entering the URL (both as per the table above), choosing the country and entering the access code as per the table above to leave the message. It is possible to attach electronic documents (such as word or pdf files). Responses can also be viewed and replied to after one week.

The conversation cycles described herein can be repeated. A case number will be allocated to the call or message. Please make sure you keep this case number. If it is lost, a new message will have to be left under a new case number, you will have to refer to the content of the original message so it can be linked with the new message.

Vetropack Compliance will handle the cases granting full confidentiality. In case of Italy the Supervisory and Control Body will be the first point of contact as per requirements of local law.