Friends of Glass

Friends of Glass is the European community that supports everything about glass packaging and advocates a lifestyle which includes glass for three main reasons: Health, taste and sustainability. 

Glass is the only packaging material available that is 100% recyclable. Unlike other packaging that leach chemicals that are hazardous to our health and change the way food tastes. Glass preserves and protects your food without adding anything. Not only that, glass is made from all natural materials and is infinitely recyclable without a loss in quality or purity. 

The Friends of Glass community believes that many families and retailers are unaware of these benefits, and are committed to promoting awareness of a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle through glass. 

Vetropacks role in the initiative

Vetropack is a proud supporter of the Friends of Glass campain. We participate in various campaigns and events to communicate the benefits of glass packaging and positively influence consumer behaviour. 

  • Educating consumers about the health and environmental benefits of glass with information campaigns. 
  • Participation in trade fairs and events to spread the message of the initiative.
  • Utilising social media to raise awareness of glass packaging.

Have a look at the latest campaigns: