On the winners’ podium for the second year in a row: Vetropack nominated for Swiss Packaging Award

18.10.2024: The company has been nominated for the prestigious Swiss Packaging Award in the “reusable packaging / reusable systems” category for its innovative 0.33-litre reusable bottles made of thermally hardened lightweight glass. The bottles are available to the entire Austrian brewing industry as a standard solution.

Vetropack nominated for Swiss Packaging Award
The Austrian brewery Gösser has been using Swiss Packaging Award-nominated standard reusable bottle made of tempered lightweight glass from Vetropack since the beginning of 2024.

Reusable glass bottles are one of the most sustainable packaging options for beverages available to manufacturers. In the past, only the stability and weight of glass were considered challenges. This is particularly relevant when it comes to reusable bottles, which must be transported back to bottlers multiple times. To address this, Vetropack has developed a process that enables the company to harden lightweight glass bottles for use as reusable containers. Additionally, the resulting bottles are more stable. 

Based on this technology, Vetropack has designed a thermally hardened, lightweight 0.33-litre reusable bottle which was implemented as a standard solution in Austria at the beginning of 2024. They are part of a dedicated reusable system, and manufacturers and bottlers throughout the country can switch to the sustainable bottle: due to 30 percent less weight, the bottles impress with significant emissions reduction in logistics; at the same time, they achieve around 20 percent more refill loops than conventional containers. Vetropack has also worked with the Brau Union Österreich and other stakeholders to consider the entire reusable system, adjust the crate to the bottle design and coordinate pallets and logistics. Several well-known brands are already using the bottles and the system, including Gösser brewery.

The jury of the Swiss Packaging Award evaluated the packaging solutions nominated in the “reusable packaging / reusable systems” category in terms of the protective function and recyclability of their materials and assessed convenience for consumers, the processes and the ecological added value of the reusable systems.

In 2023, a version of Vetropack’s tempered, lightweight bottles produced for the Mohrenbrauerei was honoured in the “Technology” category and with the special prize of the Swiss Packaging Award jury. This further nomination for Vetropack underlines the real economic and ecological benefits that can be realised with this tempered lightweight glass bottle in a reusable system.