News from St-Prex: Vetropack is relocating machines to other sites
06.03.2025: Last week, Vetropack relocated two of the four production machines from St-Prex to their initial destination in Italy. These machines will be reassembled at a later date in Nemšová, Slovakia, and Kremsmünster, Austria, respectively. The two machines remaining in St-Prex are being sold to another company.
«I am pleased that a new use has been found for the machines.»
More than six months after production ceased in St-Prex, a new operating phase is beginning for many of the production machines. Between Tuesday and Thursday, the ten-section AIS 211 machine and the twelve-section AIS 214 machine, along with all accessories, were transported to Italy for dismantling and repair. The transportation was carried out by truck. Vetropack plans to reinstall the AIS 211 machine at the Nemšová site and the AIS 214 machine in Kremsmünster in the near future. The remaining two production machines in St-Prex are being sold to another company shortly.
For the remaining employees in St-Prex, the removal of the machines marks a further chapter in a painful process that began last spring. “We associate many memories with the machines. The dismantling, which also took place in difficult external conditions, such as low temperatures, is anything but easy for us,” says Production Supervisor Jose-Maria Cipriano. “However, I am pleased that a new use has been found for the machines.”
Purchasing and logistics are coordinating the transport – a particularly challenging administrative task. “Machine transport involves extensive bureaucratic processes that a small team must manage,” explains Site Manager Christian Schmutz. “Under these circumstances, we have achieved a great deal in a short time.” Vetropack remains committed to safely dismantling the production facilities and providing its employees with the best possible support.