Our headquarters in Bülach

The administrative headquarters of Vetropack Holding Ltd. is located at Bülach in the Swiss canton of Zurich and is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.

employees at Vetropack Holding Ltd.
employees at Müller + Krempel Ltd
employees at Vetroreal AG
employees at Vetropack AG

Vetropack Ltd, domiciled in Bülach, was founded in 1966 to take over the central sales and administrative functions as well as technical management for the three production facilities existing at that time in St-Prex, Bülach and Wauwil. The Vetropack logo was introduced as a trademark in the same year.

Müller + Krempel Ltd also operates its trading business from Bülach. This member of the Vetropack Group is a leading service provider in Switzerland serving the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.


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Are you looking for a specific certificate, or the minutes of our last Annual General Assembly? Or maybe you want information about the DocuSign solution we’re currently introducing, or Vetropack’s General Terms and Conditions of Purchase? For all this information and more, you’re in the right place here. Simply select the type of document you want, and then download the PDF.


Vetropack Holding Ltd
Schützenmattstrasse 48
CH-8180 Bülach
Phone +41 44 863 31 31


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